Elements Matrices

rezonator utilizes conventional ABCD-matrix approach (by Kogelnik and Li) to compute the propagation of paraxial Gaussian beams through an element. Each element represented in calculations by its ray matrix.

At least, there are two ray matrices for each element - one for tangential and another for sagittal working planes. These are so-called T-matrix and S-matrix, and they denoted as MT and MS respectively.

Several elements have more matrices using in some specific calculations. For example, elements that have the length parameter also have two additional matrix set. The first one describes beam propagation from outside of the left edge of the element to some position inside the element. The second one describes propagation from that position to outside of the right edge of the element. reZonator uses these matrices for computation of beam traveling through the interior of an optical element. They are denoted as MLF and MRT respectively.

Interface elements have no index of refraction. Instead, they take indexes of adjacent elements to calculate their matrices. So there is some obvious suggestion about the placement of an interface element in the schema - the left and the right adjacent elements of the interface should be either Empty Space or Space Filled With Medium. rezonator doesn’t complain if it is not, but then one can’t count on correct results.

See also

../catalog, ../elem_props