Intermode Beats Frequency

Functions ‣ Intermode Beats Frequency

The function computes the intermode beats frequency of the resonator.

For standing wave system (SW):


For ring resonator (RR):


Where c is the speed of light, and L is calculated as the sum of lengths of all elements having parameter Length

List of elements participating in total resonator length is shown in function’s window.

Value of refractive index is given for elements where its magnitude is not unity. For example, a Brewster plate having thickness 4mm and refractive index 1.5 will be marked like

0.0048074 × 1.5 (Cr)

Here 0.0048074 is the length of the path of light in the plate (in meters). It differs from the value of Length parameter (4mm in this case), because of length is measured along plate’s axis Z, but light travels under some angle to that.


See also
