Calculation of Round-trip Matrix

The ray-matrix formalism supposes the elements’ matrices are multiplied one-by-one in the direction opposite to the beam propagation direction.

General elements

Each element characterizes by a pair of ray matrices. One matrix is for the tangential (T) plane, and the other is for the sagittal (S) plane. Round-trip matrices are calculated independently for both planes.


If the schema is the standing wave resonator, then elements’ matrices are multiplied in the next way:

  • from the reference element to the first element of the schema,

  • from the first element to the last one,

  • from the last element to an element next to the reference.


Sample result (M4 is the reference element):

M0 = M4 × M3 × M2 × M1 × M2 × M3 × M4 × M5 × M6 × M7 × M6 × M5


If the schema is the ring resonator, then elements’ matrices are multiplied in the next way:

  • from the reference element to the first element of the schema,

  • from the last element to an element next to the reference.


Sample result (M4 is the reference element):

M0 = M4 × M3 × M2 × M1 × M7 × M6 × M5


If the schema is the single-pass system, then ray passes it from the first element to the last one. Therefore, matrices are multiplied in the reverse order (from the last element to the first one).


Sample result (M4 is the reference element):

M0 = M4 × M3 × M2 × M1

Elements having length

Some functions can analyze elements over their length, caustic functions, for example. The reference (being analyzed) element is divided into two sub-elements for such functions. The first sub-element is a part of the original element from its left edge till the current point (in which the beam size is calculated, for example). The second sub-element is a part of the original element from the current point till the right edge. Each sub-element characterizes by its ray matrix pair.


If the schema is the standing wave resonator, then elements’ matrices are multiplied in the next way:

  • from the left reference sub-element to the first element of the schema,

  • from the first element to the last one (the reference element is accounted as whole at this step),

  • from the last element to the right reference sub-element.


Sample result (M4 is the reference element):

M0 = M41 × M3 × M2 × M1 × M2 × M3 × M4 × M5 × M6 × M7 × M6 × M5 × M42


If the schema is the ring resonator, then elements’ matrices are multiplied in the next way:

  • from the left reference element to the first element of the schema,

  • from the element to the right reference sub-element.


Sample result (M4 is the reference element):

M0 = M41 × M3 × M2 × M1 × M7 × M6 × M5 × M42


If the schema is the single-pass system, then matrices from the left reference sub-element to the first element are multiplied.


Sample result (M4 is the reference element):

M0 = M41 × M3 × M2 × M1